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心力衰竭 Heart failure
急性左心衰竭 Acute left-sided heart failure
慢性心力衰竭 Chroinc heart failure
难治性心力衰竭 Intractable heart failure
收缩功能不全性心力衰竭 Systolic insufficiency heart failure
舒张功能不全性心力衰竭 Diastolic insufficiency heart failure
充血性心力衰竭 Congestive heart failure
心功能障碍 Cardiac dysfunction
心律失常 cardiac arrhythmia
心动过缓 Bradycardia
心动过速 Tachycardia
窦性心动过速 Sinus tachycardia
窦性心动过缓 Sinus bradycardia
窦性停搏 Sinus pause
窦房阻滞 sinoatrial block
病(态)窦(房结)综合征 Sick sinus syndrome(SSS)
心动过缓-心动过速综合征 Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
房性期前收缩 Atrial premature beats
房性心动过速 Atrial tachycardia
自律性房性心动过速 Automatic atrial tachycardia
折返性房性心动过速 Reentrant atrial tachycardia
紊乱性房性心动过速 Chaotic atrial tachycardia
伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block
多源性房性心动过速 Multifocal atrial tachycardia
心房扑动 Atrial flutter
心房颤动 Atrial fibrillation
房室交界区性期前收缩 Premature atrioventricular junctional beats
房室交界区性逸搏 AV junctional escape beats
房室交界区性心律 AV junctional rhythm
非阵发性房室交界区性心动过速 Nonparoxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia
阵发性室上性心动过速 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)
房室结内折返性心动过速 Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)
房室返性心动过速 Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT)
预激综合征(WPW综合征) Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)
室性期前收缩 Premature ventricular beats
室性并行心律 Ventricular parasystole
室性心动过速 Ventricular tachycardia
加速性心室自主节律 Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
尖端扭转 Torsades de pointes
心室扑动 Ventricular flutter
心室颤动 Ventricular fibrillation
房室传导阻滞 Atrioventricular block
文氏阻滞 Wenckebach block
阿-斯综合征 Adame-Strokes syndrom
室内传导阻滞 Intraventricular block
右束支传导阻滞 Right bundle branch block
左束支传导阻滞 Left bundle branch block
左前分支传导阻滞 Left anterior fascicular block
左后分支传导阻滞 Left posterior fascicular block
双分支阻滞 Bifascicular block
三分支阻滞 Trifascicular block
心脏性猝死 sudden cardiac death
心脏骤停 Cardiac arrest
无脉性电活动 Pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
高血压 Hypertension
高血压急症 Hypertensive urgencyes
高血压危象 Hypertensive crisis
高血压危症 Hypertensive emergencies
继发性高血压 Secondary hypertension
原发性高血压 Primary hypertension
白大衣性高血压 “White coat” hypertension
单纯收缩期高血压 Isolated systolic hypertension
小动脉硬化 Arteriolosclerosis
先天性心脏病 Congenital heart disease
先天性心血管病 Congenital cardiovascular disease
肺动脉狭窄 Pulmonic stenosis
单纯肺动脉口狭窄 Isolated pulmonic stenosis
主动脉缩窄 Coarctation of the aorta
单纯肺动脉扩张 Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery
原发性肺动脉高压 Primary pulmonary hypertension
双侧上腔静脉(左上腔静脉残存) Persistent left superior vena cava
孤立性右位心 Isolated dextrocardia
房间隔缺损 Atrial septal defect
部分性肺静脉畸形引流 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
室间隔缺损 Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
艾森门格综合征 Eisenmenger’s syndrome
动脉导管未闭 Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)
法洛四联症 Tetralogy of Fallot
法洛三联症 Trilogy of Fallot
完全性大血管错位 Complete transposition of the great vessels
房间隔缺损 Atrial septal defect (ASD)
多瓣膜疾病 Multivalve heart disease
二尖瓣疾病 Mitral valve disease
肺动脉瓣疾病 Pulmonic valve disease
三尖瓣疾病 Tricuspid valve disease
三尖瓣下移畸形 Ebstein’s anomaly
乳头肌功能失调或断裂 Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle
主动脉瓣疾病 Aortic valve disease
主动脉弓综合征 Aortic arch syndrome
心脏瓣膜病 Valvular heart disease
风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease
风湿热 Rheumatic fever
风湿性心脏炎 Rheumatic carditis
二尖瓣狭窄 Mitral stenosis
二尖瓣关闭不全 Mitral incompetence
急性二尖瓣关闭不全 Acute mitral insufficiency
慢性二尖瓣关闭不全 Chronic mitral insufficiency
马凡氏综合征 Marfan’s syndrom
主动脉瓣狭窄 Aortic stenosis
主动脉瓣关闭不全 Aortic incompetence
慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全 Chronic aortic insufficiency
三尖瓣狭窄 Tricuspid stenosis
三尖瓣关闭不全 Tricuspid incompetence
肺动脉瓣狭窄 Pulmonary stenosis
肺动脉瓣关闭不全 Pulmonary incompetence
动脉粥样硬化 Atherosclerosis
冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease
冠状动脉性心脏病 Coronary heart disease
心绞痛 Angina pectoris
稳定型心绞痛 Stable angina pectoris
不稳定心绞痛 Unstable angina pectoris
初发型心绞痛 Initial onset angina pectoris
恶化型心绞痛 Accelerated angina pectoris
变异型心绞痛 Variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal’s variant angina pectoris)
卧位心绞痛 Angina decubitus
急性冠状动脉功能不全 Acute coronary insufficiency
梗塞后心绞痛 Postinfarction angina pectoris
急性冠脉综合征 Acute coronary syndrome(ACS)
心肌梗死 Myocardial infarction(MI)
急性心肌梗死 Acute myocardial infarction(AMI)
乳头肌功能失调 Dysfunction of papillary muscle
乳头肌断裂 Rupture of papillary muscle
心脏破裂 Rupture of the heart
栓塞 Embolism
心脏室壁瘤 Cardiac aneurysm
心肌梗死后综合征 Postinfarction syndrome
无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病) Latent coronary heart disease
缺血性心肌病 Ischemic cardiomyopathy
猝死 Sudden death
感染性心内膜炎 Infective endocarditis (IE)
自体瓣膜心内膜炎 Native valve endocarditis
人工瓣膜心内膜炎 Prothetic valve endocarditis
静脉药瘾者心内膜炎 Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers
急性感染性心内膜炎 Acute infective endocarditics(AIE)
亚急性感染性心内膜炎 Subacute Infective endocarditis
特异性心肌病 Specific cardiomyopathy
病毒性心肌炎 Viral myocarditis
肥厚性心肌病 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)
非对称性室间隔肥厚 Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH)
限制性心肌病 Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM)
扩张型心肌病 Dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)
酒精性心肌病 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
围生期心肌病 Peripartum cardiomyopathy
药物性心肌病 Drug-induced cardiomyopathy
克山病 Keshan disease (KD)
地方性心肌病 Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD)
心肌疾病 Cardiomyopathies
心肌桥 Myocardial bridging
心肌炎 Myocarditis
右室心肌病 Right ventricular cardiomyopathy
致心律失常型右室心肌病 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC)
化脓性心包炎 Purulent pericarditis
急性心包炎 Acute pericarditis
结核性心包炎 Tuberculous pericarditis
闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化 Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration
多发性大动脉炎 Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches
雷诺综合征 Raynaud syndrome
无脉病 Pulness disease
血栓闭塞性脉管炎 Thromboangitis obliterans
血栓性静脉炎 Thrombophlebitis
主动脉夹层 Aortic dissection
心原性休克 Cardiogenic shock
心肌损伤后综合征 Postpericardiostomy syndrome
肺动脉栓塞 Pulmonary embolism
晕厥 Syncope
梅毒性心血管病 Syphlitic cardiovascular disease
心脏血管神经官能症 Cardiovascular neurosis
血管扩张剂 Vasodilator
利尿剂 Diuretic
噻嗪类利尿剂 thiazide diuretic
袢利尿剂 loop diuretic
保钾利尿剂 potassium-sparing diuretics
正性肌力药 inotropic agent
洋地黄制剂 digitalis preparation
肾上腺素能受体兴奋剂 adrenergic receptor stimulant
磷酸二酯酶抑制剂 phosphodiesterase inhibitor
血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
醛固酮拮抗剂 Aldosterone antagonist
肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂 Beta adrenergic receptor blocker
钙通道阻滞剂 Calcium channel blocker(CCB)
血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂 Angiotension Ⅱ antagonist(Angiotension Ⅱ receptor blocker)
α1受体阻滞剂 Alpha blockers
硝酸甘油 Nitroglycerin
地高辛 Digoxin
西地兰 Lanatoside C
抗心律失常药 antiarrhythic drugs
利多卡因 lidocaine
普罗帕酮 Propafenone
胺碘酮 Amiodarone
还原酶抑制剂 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors HMG-CoA
烟酸 Nicotinic acid
氯贝丁酯 Clofibrate
重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂 recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA
心血管病介入性治疗 interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases
超声消融术 Ultrasound angioplasty
定向旋切术 Directional coronary atherectomy
高频旋磨术 High frequency rotational atherectomy
激光血管成形术 Laser angioplasty
心导管消融 Catheter ablation
经导管射频消融 Radiofrequency catheter ablation
经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术 Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty(PBMV)
经皮穿刺球囊肺动脉瓣成形术 Percutaneous balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty(PBPV)
经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术 Percutaneous transluminal septial myocardial ablation,(PTSMA)
经皮穿刺腔内冠状动脉成形术 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术 Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation
经皮血管内切吸导管 Transluminal Extraction catheter (TEC)
人工心脏起搏 Artificial cardiac pacing
多部位心脏起搏 Multisite cardiac pacing
双心房起搏 Biatrial pacing
双心室起搏 biventricular pacing
双灶起搏 bifocal pacing
心脏移植 Heart transplantation
新鲜血栓吸引术 Angiojet rheolytic thrombectomy
直立倾斜试验 Upright tilt-table testing
置入型心律转复除颤器 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
捶击复律 Thumpversion
咳嗽复律 Cough-version
心脏电复律 Cardioversion
心脏电除颤 Defibrillation
血管重建 Revascularization
甲族乙型溶血性链球菌 Hemolytic streptococcus
抗胸腺细胞球蛋白 Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)
迷走神经 Vagus nerve ,
脑干死亡 Brainstem death
脑死亡 Brain death
心肌重塑 Myocardial remodeling
血液动力学 Hemodynamics
心钠素 Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
血管加压素,抗利尿激素 Vasopressin
缓激肽 Bradykinin
触发活动 Triggered activity
后除极 Afterdepolarization
心室晚电位 Late ventricular potential
窦房结恢复时间 Sinus node recovery time(SNRT)
窦房传导时间 Sinoatrial conduction time(SACT)
固有心率 Intrinsic heart rate
房室旁路 Accessory atrioventricular pathways
房希氏束 Atriohisian tracts
结-室纤维 Nodoventricular fibers
分支室纤维 Fasciculoventricular fibers
胰岛素抵抗 Insulin resistance
血管减压反应 Vasodepressor response
细迟脉 Pulsus tardus
最小抑菌浓度 Minimum Inhibitory concentration (MIC)
(二尖瓣前叶)收缩期前向运动 Systolic anterior motion(SAM)
间歇性跛行 Intermittent claudication


  • 孙立群

    Nature Communications




  • Zhimin Li





  • 王柏扬





  • 许锐伟

    Environment International




  • 张书倩

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A




  • 周春宇





  • 李东浩

    Advanced Energy Materials




  • 陈继征

    protein cell




  • 成锐





  • 黄瑞星

    Water Research




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