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JR Jonsson, H Cui, E Powell… - Australian …, 2011 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
Jonsson, JR, Cui, H., Powell, E., Pandeyer, N., Balderson, GA, Clouston, AD,
Edwards-Smith, C., Stuart, KA, Crawford, DH, Fawcett, J., Lynch, SV and Purdie, DM (2000).
The role of cytokine gene polymorphisms in acute rejection after liver transplantation. In: , ...
Cached - All 3 versions
EA Lendermon, JM Dodd-o, H Miller… - American Journal of …, 2011 - Am Thoracic Soc
... Cd154/cd40 Costimulation Blockade Abrogates Allospecific Cd4+ And Cd8+ Type 1 Effector
Responses And Acute Rejection Pathology In Murine Orthotopic Lung Transplant ... There
was marked abrogation of acute rejection pathology in Results: ...
All 3 versions
R Walker, I Ruderman, R Masterson… - NDT …, 2011 - ndtplus.oxfordjournals.org
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Impaired glucose metabolism manifest as new onset diabetes after
transplantation (NODAT) and impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) is a common and important
unwanted outcomes with potential impacts on cardiovascular risks, infections and ...
N Kimura, S Nakae, S Itoh, DR Merk… - The Journal of Heart and …, 2011 - Elsevier
Acute rejection: FVB donor hearts heterotopically transplanted into (a) GD T cell-deficient
C57BL/6 (TCR G −/− ) or (b) C57BL/6 (WT) recipients. Graft survival measured. Graft infiltrating
cells detected with FACS analysis. Neutrophil activity accessed via myeloperoxidase ...
All 2 versions
GA Balderson, AD Clouston… - … for Study of Liver …, 2011 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
Balderson, GA, Clouston, AD, Crawford, DH, Edwards-Smith, C., Fawcett, J., Hong, C.,
Jonsson, JR, Lynch, SV, Pandeya, N., Powell, E., Purdie, DM and Stuart, KA (2000). The role
of cytokine gene polymorphisms in acute rejection after liver transplantation. In: , ...

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