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MR Nassiri - 2011 - profdoc.um.ac.ir
Mutation of the BRAF gene is common in thyroid cancer. Follicular variant of papillary thyroid
carcinoma is a variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma that has created continuous diagnostic controversies
among pathologists. The aims of this study are to (1) investigate whether follicular variant ...
[PDF] from bhj.orgC Fernandes Gwendolyn… - Bombay Hospital Journal, 2011 - bhj.org
Introduction etanephric adenomas are quite rare tumours of the renal cortex and are benign
in nature. They are usually small (less than 1 cm in diameter), arise from the distal renal tubules
and generally occur in adults with a slightly increased female 1,2 preponderance (M:F = ...
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H Ito, K Matsuo, H Tanaka… - … Journal of Cancer, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... & Females combined Japan (197 5–2003 ) Squ amou s c ell c arcinoma 197 5–1989 0.7 † (0.2,
1.2) 1989–1 992 4.4 (À 3.3, 12.7 ) 1992–2 ... 9.2) 1984–2 003 0.2 (À 0.6, 0.2) USA (197 5–2 003)
Squ amou s c ell c arcinoma 197 3–1982 2.1 † (1.4, 2.8) 1982–1 992 À 1.7 † (À 2.4, ...
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[PDF] from dtic.milRC Simmen - 2011 - DTIC Document
... detection. Finally, histopathological analyses of tumors from mice fed either CAS
or SPI indicated tumors w ith c omparable m orphologic f eatures ( papillary
adenocarcinoma, s olid c arcinoma with adenosquamous features). ...
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B Xue, CJ Oldfield, YY Van, AK Dunker… - Mol. BioSyst., 2011 - xlink.rsc.org
... There are currently five types of pluripotent cells: mbryonic tem (ES) cells, mbryonic erm cells
(EGCs), mbryonic arcinoma cells (ECCs), nduced luripotent tem (iPS) cells, and ulti-potent ermline
tem (mGS) cells.2–6 Multipotent cells are able to differentiate along multiple cell ...

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